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High temperature enameled wire manufacturers, divided into 2 parts

  • Release time:2020-04-29
  • Publisher: baidu baike
  • source: baidu baike
  • Reading:
  In today's sharing of high temperature enameled wire manufacturers, we will introduce a wire into two parts, in the article what details do not understand the customer, can contact wujiang city shenzhou bimetal cable co, LTD.
  Generally, low carbon steel has no twisting control cold, hot rolling rod (zbh4403-88), no twisting control cold, hot rolling rod by no twisting high-speed wire mill after rolling adopted control cooling, raw materials and the same as the general wire, but no twisting control cold, hot rolling rod has high scale precision, good appearance quality, high mechanical properties and other advantages. About this kind of wire sharing high temperature enameled wire manufacturers are not finished, continue to pay attention to the following article.
  Primary use: no twisting control of cold, hot rolling rod scale precision in A, B, C three grades. A, B, C grade precision is suitable for drawing, construction, packaging and welding rod, etc, B, C grade precision is suitable for processing into bolts, screws and nuts, etc. Xiaobian said so much, the net friends have to understand? If you have any questions, please contact us by telephone.


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